Under the Bush administration, the Patriot Act was established.
The Patriot Act grants unchecked powers to government, and strips U.S. citizens of their right to due process, unreasonable search and seizure and other basic freedoms. The unconstitutional “USA PATRIOT Act,” is an overnight revision of the nation's surveillance laws that vastly expanded the government's authority to spy on its own citizens. Barack Obama voted yes to reauthorize the Patriot Act (S. 2271), in March, 2006. This isn't exactly standing in opposition to the Bush Administration.
Under the Bush administration, spying is a national pastime.
The New York Times reported on December 16, 2005, that his administration had been secretly spying on Americans without warrants since late 2001.
Barack Obama voted yes on the FISA Amendment Act of 2008, (H.R. 6304). This bill gives immunity to telecommunications companies that helped the Bush administration spy on Americans.
The Bush administration wanted to give amnesty to millions of illegal aliens.
Barack Obama voted yes on the Dream Act (S. 2205).
Who but our corrupt and pandering senators would think of incorporating the DREAM Act into “stockpile” provisions buried at the end of the lengthy Defense Bill? The DREAM Act would give amnesty to 2.1 million illegal aliens. S. 2205 would just entice a larger wave of illegal immigration.
Obama supports the interests of the National Council of La Raza.
Obama addresses the National Council of La Raza, (excerpt):
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I fought with you in the Senate for comprehensive immigration reform. And I will make it a top priority in my first year as President... because we have to finally bring those 12 million people out of the shadows... we cannot and should not deport 12 million people... we're reaching out to Latino organizations to get input on my policy proposals.
As a pro United Nations globalist, it seems quite apparent that Barack Obama has an open borders, one world government philosophy, with no concern for our national sovereignty; just like George Bush.
The Bush administration pushed for a Wall Street bailout. Instead of launching investigations to determine who is to blame and who can be prosecuted for creating this financial crisis, Barack Obama fully supported the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, (H.R. 1424). How dare Obama even consider giving the failed and deceitful Bush administration more money and power. This is unconstitutional! $1 trillion more is somehow supposed to magically appear and solve all our problems! No – creating more money might delay the inevitable for some well-connected banks on Wall Street, but in a few weeks we will find ourselves right back in this same position, but much poorer.
(and guess what)...
Bernanke Calls for More Stimulus
Posted: 20 Oct 2008 01:52 PM CDT
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke helped build momentum for Congress to come back after the November elections and pass a second economic stimulus package.
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke endorsed additional fiscal stimulus. Wall Street and Democrats in Congress reacted favorably. And White House press secretary Dana Perino said that the Bush administration is “open” to a second stimulus.
The Bush administration perpetuates wars without purpose.
This excerpt is from a report from September 2007, about a Democratic debate that had just aired on television:
[Now that Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John Edwards have admitted that they aren't serious about ending the war in Iraq, it is time for anti-war voters to look elsewhere. In a Democratic debate on MSNBC this past week, none of the three Democratic front-runners would pledge to have American troops out of Iraq by 2013 -- the end of their first term in office, if they were to win. Anti-war voters should size up their options now. Clinton, Obama, and Edwards have made it clear that they won't commit to truly ending the war, and the rest of the Democratic field has little chance to catch them.]
And that's coming from candidates who claim to be AGAINST the war.
As hideous as the Bush administration has been, the truth of the matter is that Congress bears far more responsibility for the overthrow of our constitutional Republic than George W. Bush, or even the worst of our former presidents. It is Congress that has passed the laws and created the meddlesome agencies that the friends of freedom so despise. Congress gave us the Federal Reserve, the 16th Amendment and the IRS, the Department of Education, the PATRIOT ACT, the REAL ID Act, the Military Commissions Act, and so forth. It is Congress that has steadily built our national debt into a financial Tower of Babel. It is Congress that has allowed George W. Bush to get away with waging undeclared wars, ignoring the laws, and trampling the Constitution.
What kind of change can we expect from President Barack Obama?
Obama is pushing a bill (S. 2433), that would mandate a Global Tax costing the United States $845 billion, as well as banning small arms and light weapons. Organizations like the Joyce Foundation, (that Obama sat on the board of directors), the Freedom States Alliance (FSA), the United Nations (UN) and others, seek to disarm law-abiding citizens. This is the idea of "change" that they share with Barack Obama. It is clear... as a pro United Nations globalist, Barack Obama has a hostile presidential agenda against gun ownership and our Second Amendment rights.
Does the way Barack Obama cast his vote on issues really represent your own beliefs and principles? It appears to me, he is supporting the same administration that he claims to be so adamantly opposed to. When they have the same goals, how different are they really?
Except by name... Republicrats
What is Socialism?
- -a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done.
"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."
- - Winston Churchill
"The function of socialism is to raise suffering to a higher level."
- - Norman Mailer