Monday, March 23, 2009

Obama’s War On Prosperity continues: record-shattering $3.6 trillion budget for fiscal 2010

Thomas A. Schatz,
Council for Citizens Against Government Waste
If enacted, the Obama budget would levy a whole host of new and higher taxes to fund policies aimed at “remaking” the American economy, like nationalized healthcare, a cap-and-trade energy system, and “tax breaks” for low-income families, most of whom don’t pay federal income taxes to begin with.

The budget would raise income taxes on individuals and small businesses by $636 billion over 10 years. It creates a $634 billion “reserve fund” for nationalizing healthcare that would be paid for with a combination of tax increases and cuts to Medicare and Medicaid.

President Obama’s budget would also impose a “light bulb tax” on all Americans in order to implement a cap-and-trade energy policy, where companies would have to pay the federal government to use oil, natural gas, and other fossil fuels. That tax alone could cost American families as much as $3,100 per year in higher prices for electricity, gasoline, and other products and services. Not only would these tax increases further drain American families and businesses of income during the recession, they will stifle economic growth, just when our elected leaders should be enacting policies to promote it!

This massive $3.6 trillion budget comes on top of the:
  • $787 billion “economic stimulus” package
  • 410 billion fiscal 2009 omnibus spending bill
  • $700 billion bailout of Wall Street, Detroit automakers, and homeowners who took out mortgages they can’t afford
The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) on Friday predicted that the Obama budget will push the federal deficit to a mind-numbing $1.85 trillion this year and pile up $9.3 trillion in deficits over the next decade, on top of the existing $11 trillion national debt! CBO called these deficits, which would never fall below 4 percent of our economy’s gross domestic product, “unsustainable.”
Both the House and Senate Budget Committees will begin marking up their versions of the Obama budget on Wednesday, March 25, 2009.
As if this disastrous $3.6 trillion spending plan weren’t bad enough, the Obama Administration is pushing Democratic lawmakers to use a parliamentary maneuver called “budget reconciliation,” which would allow the Senate to pass the Obama budget’s tax increases, nationalized healthcare plan, and cap-and-trade energy policy with a simple majority rather than the 60 votes needed to overcome a filibuster.

"We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle."

- - Winston Churchill

Monday, March 16, 2009

Big Government is Back with a Vengeance

Congressman Tom Cole
Oklahoma's 4th District
March 9, 2009

Coming on the heels of a $789 billion stimuless package, and a $410 billion Omnibus spending bill, President Obama has now presented the nation with the largest federal budget in our nation's history. The staggering $3.5 trillion budget proposal will raise taxes, grow the size of government and increase our deficits over the next ten years.

The President's budget will increase taxes by $1.6 trillion over the next ten years. Marginal income taxes will be raised - hurting the very small businesses America needs to pull us out of recession. The marriage penalty will return, as will the death tax. And the tax deductibility of home mortgage interest and
charitable donations will be severely restricted.
Remarkably, despite the massive tax hikes, President Obama's budget spends every penny - and more. Today's national debt level is over $10 trillion. Under the President's budget the national debt will balloon to $23.1 trillion by 2019. To put this in perspective, the amount of debt proposed by this budget is more than the total amount of debt the United States has acquired from 1789 until today.
This unprecedented growth in the size and expense of the federal government is truly stunning. And what makes it all the more stunning is the absolute disconnect between the President's rhetoric and his actions. He and his liberal allies who control both houses of Congress pay lip service to fiscal responsibility, government transparency and ending government waste. These are all principles which members of both parties should be happy to work together to achieve. Unfortunately, the President's actions demonstrate that he has no such intentions. His actions make it abundantly clear that the failed economic policies of high taxes and limitless deficits are once again the order of the day. Indeed, the era of big government is back with a vengeance.
Abraham Lincoln once said, "You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today." Those are wise words for Congress to consider as action is taken to get the economy moving. In the coming weeks the House and Senate will begin taking up portions of President Obama's budget proposal. This will be a new opportunity for members of Congress to push back, cut waste and trim the taxpayers' burden. I am willing to work with the President and those on the other side of the aisle to make sure the interests of American taxpayers are given first priority. Hopefully, they will play ball too.

“Why is it inflationary if the people keep their own money, and spend it the way they want to, [but] not inflationary if the government takes it and spends it the way it wants to?"
- - Ronald Reagan

Monday, March 9, 2009

While You Pay for Bailouts, Obama and Clinton Want to Give $900M to Palestinians

Once funds are approved by Congress, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will begin a new million-dollar scholarship program to help Palestinian students enroll at Palestinian and American universities in the 2010-11 academic year. (If U.S. universities want to give scholarships to international students, that's great, but this is just one more inexcusable misuse of taxpayer money).

  • The money is in addition to $900-million in aid to the Palestinian Authority announced by the secretary last week at the donors’ conference, in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt.


About a third of the U.S. taxpayer money -- $300 million -- is directly slated for Gaza...Wait a second, doesn't the militant group, Hamas, control Gaza?
Doesn't that mean money is being given to a group labeled terrorists by the U.S.?
Should we be surprised?
The American middle class can fund Palestinian education, (along with a favorite terrorist group of their choice), as well as in-state tuition for illegal aliens. Unfortunately, it will not be able to fund its own children’s education. The U.S. can’t even pay off our State and Federal budgets, and we are “giving” $ away again?!
Forcing the American people to bail out banks and financial firms, irresponsible homeowners, and now Palestine, proves our leaders in Washington are completely out of control. We have no business rebuilding other nations!


Do you really think that we would have any control of that money once it gets into their hands anyway?


"The point to remember is that what the government gives it must first take away."
~John S. Coleman,
address, Detroit Chamber of Commerce, 1956

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Schwarzenegger's War On Prosperity continues as California passes the largest state tax increase in the history of our nation

March 7, 2009
John and Ken - Tax Revolt 2009

Over 8,000 California citizens descended on Fullerton CA., Saturday, to join KFI 640 AM radio show hosts John Kobylt and Ken Chiampou, for the first event of Tax Revolt 2009, protesting tax increases recently approved in Sacramento. People came from all over the Southland, from San Diego to Palmdale. It was reported that such a large turnout backed up surface streets all the way to the 91 freeway.

Those that gathered are advocates of a smaller government, lower taxes approach and feel raising taxes in a failing economic time such as this, will only damage the economy even more. "They laid on us the largest tax increase that any state has ever passed in the nation's 233-year history," John Kobylt said to the crowd.

Many taxpayers feel betrayed and support recall efforts against Assemblyman Anthony Adams, R-Claremont; state Sen. Abel Maldonado, R-Santa Maria; and Assemblyman Jeff Miller, R-Corona.
Adams and Maldonado voted in February to approve a budget that includes $12.8 billion in tax increases to help close a $42 billion deficit. (Coincidentally, the cost of the illegal alien population costs about $13 billion per year and is literally crippling the “Golden State.” Of course our current leaders in Sacramento seem to refuse to do anything about the illegal alien invasion). Miller, the hosts allege, didn't do enough to stop the deal from passing.

State spending has grown 40 percent in the past five years because of deal-making and political corruption by special interests. Lawmakers of both parties are not protecting taxpayers because lawmakers put their power, prestige, and lifestyles first. We must hold Republicans and Democrats accountable.

The main thrust for the tax protest is the upcoming May 19th special election, concerning Proposition 1A, Rainy Day/Budget Stabilization Fund. "The purpose is to vote down Prop 1A on May 19 because it's a two-year tax extension," said Kobylt. If voters approve this proposition, temporary taxes that are part of the budget would be extended for an additional two years. Californians already pay the highest state, sales, and gasoline taxes in the nation. John and Ken are trying to spread the message of voting NO on Prop 1A, to stop the onslaught of new taxes on the already hurting California taxpayers.

Another aspect of the anti-tax campaign is to shine a light on those who let us down in Sacramento. For instance:

  • California State Assemblyman Anthony Adams gave his word to not vote to raise taxes. He broke his promise on February 19, 2009, when he cast one of three Republican votes in the Assembly necessary to pass a budget that will increase taxes on Californians.
  • Assemblyman Jeff Miller, broke his promise to protect taxpayers and must be held accountable. Miller not only promised to protect taxpayers, he signed a pledge to do so. Jeff Miller broke that pledge and betrayed taxpayers.
  • California's economy just got terminated with a massive $12.8 Billion Tax Increase...thanks to the critical vote of Senator Abel Maldonado. It's not the first time Abel has sold his Party, his Constituents, and his State up the river. Recall Abel Maldonado and make sure he never holds office again in the State of California.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger turned his back on the citizens of California by spearheading this plan to steal more money from the taxpayer. To get elected, Arnold was outraged at the thought of higher taxes. But now that he is in power, it's a different story. Click here for an August 2003 audio clip of Arnold voicing his outrage against all the taxes Californians have to pay.

The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association simply calls Proposition 1A "a blatant attempt to raise all Californians' taxes to support the continual overspending by Sacramento politicians."

"The genius of our ruling class is that it has kept a majority of the people from ever questioning the inequity of a system where most people drudge along, paying heavy taxes for which they get nothing in return."

- - Gore Vidal