Over 8,000 California citizens descended on Fullerton CA., Saturday, to join KFI 640 AM radio show hosts John Kobylt and Ken Chiampou, for the first event of Tax Revolt 2009, protesting tax increases recently approved in Sacramento. People came from all over the Southland, from San Diego to Palmdale. It was reported that such a large turnout backed up surface streets all the way to the 91 freeway.
Those that gathered are advocates of a smaller government, lower taxes approach and feel raising taxes in a failing economic time such as this, will only damage the economy even more. "They laid on us the largest tax increase that any state has ever passed in the nation's 233-year history," John Kobylt said to the crowd.
Many taxpayers feel betrayed and support recall efforts against Assemblyman Anthony Adams, R-Claremont; state Sen. Abel Maldonado, R-Santa Maria; and Assemblyman Jeff Miller, R-Corona.
Adams and Maldonado voted in February to approve a budget that includes $12.8 billion in tax increases to help close a $42 billion deficit. (Coincidentally, the cost of the illegal alien population costs about $13 billion per year and is literally crippling the “Golden State.” Of course our current leaders in Sacramento seem to refuse to do anything about the illegal alien invasion). Miller, the hosts allege, didn't do enough to stop the deal from passing.
State spending has grown 40 percent in the past five years because of deal-making and political corruption by special interests. Lawmakers of both parties are not protecting taxpayers because lawmakers put their power, prestige, and lifestyles first. We must hold Republicans and Democrats accountable.
The main thrust for the tax protest is the upcoming May 19th special election, concerning Proposition 1A, Rainy Day/Budget Stabilization Fund. "The purpose is to vote down Prop 1A on May 19 because it's a two-year tax extension," said Kobylt. If voters approve this proposition, temporary taxes that are part of the budget would be extended for an additional two years. Californians already pay the highest state, sales, and gasoline taxes in the nation. John and Ken are trying to spread the message of voting NO on Prop 1A, to stop the onslaught of new taxes on the already hurting California taxpayers.
Another aspect of the anti-tax campaign is to shine a light on those who let us down in Sacramento. For instance:
- California State Assemblyman Anthony Adams gave his word to not vote to raise taxes. He broke his promise on February 19, 2009, when he cast one of three Republican votes in the Assembly necessary to pass a budget that will increase taxes on Californians. http://www.recalladams.org/
- Assemblyman Jeff Miller, broke his promise to protect taxpayers and must be held accountable. Miller not only promised to protect taxpayers, he signed a pledge to do so. Jeff Miller broke that pledge and betrayed taxpayers. http://www.recallmiller.com/
- California's economy just got terminated with a massive $12.8 Billion Tax Increase...thanks to the critical vote of Senator Abel Maldonado. It's not the first time Abel has sold his Party, his Constituents, and his State up the river. Recall Abel Maldonado and make sure he never holds office again in the State of California. http://recallmaldonado.com
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger turned his back on the citizens of California by spearheading this plan to steal more money from the taxpayer. To get elected, Arnold was outraged at the thought of higher taxes. But now that he is in power, it's a different story. Click here for an August 2003 audio clip of Arnold voicing his outrage against all the taxes Californians have to pay.
The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association simply calls Proposition 1A "a blatant attempt to raise all Californians' taxes to support the continual overspending by Sacramento politicians."
"The genius of our ruling class is that it has kept a majority of the people from ever questioning the inequity of a system where most people drudge along, paying heavy taxes for which they get nothing in return."